Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 24 - 7th September: Just one more thing to do...

#ibmcsc China 30

We have our daily team meetings with all the CSC China 30 team members to discuss everyone's project progress and any concerns or issues. For the last couple of days, our NGO partner contact, Shen Shuo, is attending this meeting to talk about the schedule for the last few days of the program. In every meeting, it is like "Oh, by the way, you need to prepare this also for the wrap-up meeting" :D

The tasks seem to keep adding up one after the other. We anticipated this and kept our final presentation to the clients a day before everyone else. So, now we have time to take care of all the other requirements like preparing an Executive Summary for the closing ceremony, preparing documents for the IBM China Citizenship Team etc.

Our final presentation is on the 9th and now we have just one more day to get everything ready. Our presentation is almost done with just a final review and formatting, followed by a dry run.

This is our project schedule...we were able to meet all the milestones

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